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Common Questions

  • Why isn't my 110 to 220 Adapter not working?
    If you purchased an adapter with two standard 5-15P plugs that combine to create a 220 volt receptacle such as 14-50P or 10-30R and you are having troubles follow these steps to troubleshoot. Ensure that your appliance doesn't require more than 30 Amps, if your appliance is drawing to much current it will trip a breaker. Be sure that you are choosing outlets that are feed from different bus bars back on at the panel, you can use a product like this Circuit Breaker Detective to find out which outlets on which breaker. Try to use outlets that are NOT on GFCI protected circuits, more often than not this will trip the GFCI. If you are using this adapter to power a portable EV charger be sure to set 24 amps. See the infographic below for more tips. Please call us at 520-884-8880 with any additional questions.
  • I bought an Adapter and was told it is not grounded? Can I still use it?
    Before 1996, most home electrical circuits lacked an equipment ground. Even though new constructions require one, there are still millions of old homes in the country without an equipment ground due to outdated wiring. Although it is not entirely accurate to say that these circuits are ungrounded, you can bond them with a neutral wire that connects to the ground at your home's electrical panel. This creates a system ground. For example, the NEMA 10-30R 30 Amp Dryer receptacle and the 50 Amp NEMA 10-50R Range/Stove receptacle are 220 Volt receptacles that are system grounded and popularly used. They have three wires, two hot wires and a neutral wire that are bonded to the ground. If your electrical appliance comes with a cord that has either of these plugs, then it is not equipment grounded. Our company can add a grounded wire to any adapter that we sell. However, in some cases, it may not be necessary or practical. If you have any further questions, feel free to call us at 520-884-8880.
  • How do I select the appropriate extension cord length for using a portable generator to provide temporary or emergency power.
    If you're utilizing a portable generator for emergency power, be sure to use an extension cord that is at minimum 20 feet long. In most situations this distance will ensure that the open frame generator is kept safely away from your home. However depending on the environment you may need an even longer cable, choose a cord that is long enough to position the generator away from any windows or doors, thereby preventing harmful carbon monoxide from entering your home as well as any other near by buildings. Additionally you will want to point the exhaust down wind and away from windows and doors. No not run a generator inside.
  • What EV Home Charging Options Do I Have?
    Level 1 chargers 120 Volts • 6-22 hours charge time Level one chargers let you charge your EV with an extension cord plugged into a 120-volt outlet, so they typically don’t require any wiring changes in your home. They’re slow, requiring 10-20 hours for a full charge of a depleted battery, but if you don’t drive very far daily, it’s much faster to fully charge the battery. The good news is that they’re inexpensive, so you don’t have to break the bank to buy one and have it installed. Level 2 Charging Level 2 chargers use a 240V outlet shaped like the one used by clothes dryers or ovens. These chargers are typically purchased separately and mounted on the wall where you plan to charge your car; however, some EV car manufacturers offer portable Level 2 chargers. Regardless if the hardware is intended to be portable or mounted in a fixed position, it is recommended you hire a professional to install the 240V outlet that every Level 2 charger requires. The benefit of purchasing a Level 2 charger is time savings; time to fully charge your car can go from 20+ hours with a Level 1 charger to somewhere between 4-12 hours depending on your vehicle.
  • Purchases Exempt from Sales Tax Collection.
    In order to complete your transaction we need to you to fill out and complete the appropriate form below. Arizona Form 5000 Transaction Privilege Tax Exemption Certificate This Certificate is prescribed by the Department of Revenue pursuant to A.R.S. § 42-5009. The purpose of the Certificate is to document and establish a basis for state and city tax deductions or exemptions. It is to be filled out completely by the purchaser and furnished to the vendor at the time of the sale. The vendor shall retain this Certificate for single transactions or for the specified period as indicated below. Incomplete Certificates are not considered to be accepted in good faith. Only one category of exemption may be claimed on a Certificate. • Do not use Form 5000 to claim sale for resale. Use Form 5000A. • Do not use Form 5000 if you are a non-TPT licensed contractor. Use Form 5000M. After you have completed the form please contact us by phone 520-884-8880 or email to complete your purchase.
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